Monday, December 24, 2012

Poetic Justice

Occasionally on this blog, I allow for a few diversions from the topic of  SF and alt-history. One of these, as I have posted before, is of my love of writing poety and then reading it at open mics.

So it's only fitting that I thought I'd say how honoured I am to be included in the forthcoming poetry anthology, Poems from Planet Earth, which is a collection of the poems that have been read at the fabled Planet Earth Poetry series in Victoria, BC that I had attended in better days. The trade paperback sized anthology will soon be available in the new year from the kind folks at Leaf Press, and will feature a whole range of poets, from the famous to the unknown (like me).

Here's my contribution... I invite speculation as to what it's about:

But that shouldn't stop you from reading the rest of the fine poets in the book. Go and buy it. I can tell you truthfully, that you will be reading the collected work of the most formidable group of poets in Canada. It has been my distinct pleasure to have been associated with them.

In the meantime, you can help out a poor unemployed writer by purchasing both Elvis Saves JFK! for just 99 cents and War Plan Crimson, A Novel of Alternate History, for $2.99 (both are free to preview). Both books are also available through such fine on-line retailers such as Chapters Indigo, Barnes & Noble and Apple's iTunes Store.  And if you’re looking for an experienced marketing communications guy, do me a favor and have a look here. Thanks and have a happy holidays.

("Lament"  © 2012, Michael Cnudde)

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